Fished and read at the ranch for the last four days. I decided to learn how to take videos with my still camera. The enclosed is my try taken from the bridge over the creek. I'm including it despite its obvious deficiencies, because it shows some of the beauty of the place. I sometimes can't believe it exists.
This is Ames at the boundary pool. When he worked his way to the upper end I told him "you are going to catch a big brown right here." Then a big head rose and sipped in his fly. I knew because that had happened to me in the same spot on the two times I had fished this pool. This is a 17 inch brown trout resting in the shallows after being released.
I left the ranch yesterday. At my suggestion Ames changed his point of departure from Butte to Twin Falls, saving about 300 miles. ( I suggested Idaho Falls but something was lost in transmission and both are on the way.) So on the interstate till past Boise when a reasonable blue highway option was available, thence on to Parma, beets and hay but no cheese, across the Snake on a low bridge, no canyon here, to Nyssa OR, home of a huge onion packing plant, and up to the farm town of Ontario. In Parma I passed the Motor Vu Theater, a drive-in theater with current features on its marquis. I wonder if its the last one standing. I hope to reach Tualatin today, if I can do so without using the interstate. Driving"s no fun there and there are interesting alternatives.
Love it!